William White has been intimately involved in setting macroeconomic policy for over forty years.

William was chairman of the Economic and Development Review Committee at the OECD, which makes policy recommendations to associated countries. He writes and speaks widely on macroeconomic issues.


William R White Comments on Marvin Goodfriend’s paper: Financial stability, deflation and monetary policy

Speech by William R White for the Ninth International Conference at the Institute of Monetary and Economic Studies, Bank of …
/ Publications

What have we learned from recent financial crises and policy responses?”

In Global financial crises: lessons from recent events, edited by Joseph R.Bisignano, William C.Hunter, George G.Kaufman, Kluwer Academic Publishers 2000 …
/ Publications

“Evolving International Financial Markets: Some Implications for Central Banks” BIS No.66

Internationally integrated capital markets can have significant effects on the way central bankers pursue both monetary (macroeconomic) and financial stability …
/ Publications