Event or Meeting: Presentation at Dexia_Istanbul Date: 13 March 2008 File: 2008 03_White presentation at Dexia_Istanbul 13 March 2008[1] [Mode de compatibilit??].pdf
Event or Meeting: Presentation at Dexia_Istanbul Date: 13 March 2008 File: 2008 03_White presentation at Dexia_Istanbul 13 March 2008[1] [Mode de compatibilit??].pdf
Speech by Mr William R White, Economic Adviser and Head of Monetary and Economic Department of the BIS, at the IIF 25th Anniversary Membership Meeting “Financing conditions for EMEs”, Washington 20 October 2007.
Are crises in emerging market economies a thing of the past? Recent high rates of return on financial assets, resilience to the recent financial turmoil in industrial countries and better “fundamentals” all suggest a positive response to this question.
Presentation* at the UBS symposium “Finanzmärkte: Effizienzund Sicherheit” Zurich, 30 May 2007
Event or Meeting: UBS symposium ???Finanzm??rkte: Effizienzund Sicherheit??? Date: 30 May 2007 File: 2007 05_STREBEL presentation (based on CFA Institute Annual Conference in Zurich 23May2006) 30 May 2007..pdf
Presentation at Barclays Capital 11th Annual Global Inflation-Linked Conference, Key Biscayne, Florida 28-30 January 2007
Date: 28 January 2007 File: 2007 01_White presentation at Barclays Capital in Florida 28-30 January 2007 [Mode de compatibilité].pdf
Introductory comments by William R White, Economic Adviser and Head of the Monetary and Economic Department, Bank for International Settlements, to Session 3 of the Bellagio Meeting, London 19-20 January 2007
2006 01_Bellagio speech on hedge fund by Bill White London 19-20 Jan 2006.pdf
Slides prepared for the Chatham House Conference on Global Financial Imbalances London, 23-24 January 2006
Event or Meeting: Chatham House Conference on Global Financial Imbalances, London Date: 23 January 2006 File: 2006 01_Chatham House conference_23-24Jan2006 Presentation [Mode de compatibilit??].pdf
Paper presented at the Barclays Capital conference, Rome 9-11 October 2005 by William Roy White Economic Adviser and Head of MED Bank for International Settlements
Date: 9 October 2005 File: 9-11_1005 10_Barclays Capital conference 9-11 October 2005 by White – Speech.pdf
Keynote presentation by William R White, Economic Adviser, Bank for International Settlements, at an Irving Fisher Committee conference on “Central bank issues regarding national and financial accounts”, Basel 9-10 September 2004.
Event or Meeting: Irving Fisher Committee conference Date: 9 September 2004 File: 2004 09_Conference Irving Fisher IFC_9Sep2004_speech.pdf
Presentation for a public lecture organised by the Czech National Bank CNB Hall, Prague, 31 October 2003
2003 10_Prague Czech National Bank Oc 2003 presentation [Mode de compatibilit??].pdf
Meeting Notes
The Symposium
Theme: Asset Price Cycles and Financial Stability
Event or Meeting: SEANZA Governors’ Symposium Date: 2 November 2002 File: 2Nov2002 _HongKong_SEANZA Governors Symposium_note.pdf