Ultra Easy Money Today, Hard Times tomorrow – 11 September 2012
The long term impact of low rates
Mr White starts by observing what just about everyone in the world – with the notable exception of the current Fed chairman – acknowledges, that the Fed’s easy money policy after the dotcom debacle resulted in reckless credit expansion, the inflation of housing bubbles around the world and the appearance of an overly leveraged and opaque shadow banking system.
Financial times_9 Sept2012.pdf
Financial times_9 Sept2012Article published in The Economist:The Curious Case Of William White
Published 5 September 2012
Publication: The Economist Date: 5 September 2012 The Economist 5 Sept 2012.pdf
About the Rating Agencies and the eurozone countries
Article quoting Bill White in the Magazine Expresso – 2 April 2011
Jorge Rodriguez
William White und der Teufelskreis niedriger Zinsen
Zentralbanken folgen in Krisenzeiten Reaktionsmustern, die zur nächsten Krise führen. Davor warnt William White schon seit Jahren. von Martin Kaelble, Berlin
Publication: Financial Times Deutschland Date: 23 June 2010 230610_FT_Germany.pdf
230610_FT_GermanyAnd Now We Know The Source Of The Next Crisis
By Edward Harrison
Publication: businessinsider.com Date: 13 April 2010 Link: http://www.businessinsider.com/white-koo-debt-2010-4#ixzz0yJUv0erN
The fallacy of sustaining dysfunction
Publication: International Herald Tribune Date: 10 March 2010 2003210_Heraldtribune.pdf
2003210_Heraldtribune_0Bankers searching for elusive elixir
Publication: The Bottom Line Date: 1 February 2010 100210_Bottomline_bankreform.pdf
100210_Bottomline_bankreformThe Man Nobody Wanted to Hear: Global Banking Economist Warned of Coming Crisis
By Beat Balzli and Michaela Schiessl
William White predicted the approaching financial crisis years before 2007’s subprime meltdown. But central bankers preferred to listen to his great rival Alan Greenspan instead, with devastating consequences for the global economy.
Date: 7 August 2009 Link: Spiegel Online International
O aviso do ‘estoiro’ a que ninguém ligou
William White, do Banco Internacional de Pagamentos, alertou desde cedo para a crise que rebentaria. Os banqueiros centrais fizeram orelhas moucas
Publication: Expresso Date: 25 July 2009 250709_Expresso-1917-ECONOMIA-008.pdf